Saturday, November 8, 2008

My Idea for Using the Global Cooperation Project

Of the two tools I explored in the last mod (VoiceThread and Hot Potatoes), I would use the Voice Thread site. This is a site in which you can post videos, pictures, power points and etc. This site is similar to the I learn project and could prove to be just as valuable. On this site there are much more random subjects/topics but you can easily search through them all to find what you’re looking for.

A sample project I would execute with my class would be similar to the one on I learn. Instead of combining forces with another country to make awareness on nature disasters, I would do a project with a couple of math classes from the same grade around the country. The project would cover different learning methods of our students on how they study for the different test and quizzes we had for that semester.

Say my math class and three others from around the country are covering decimals, percentages and fractions in this next marking period. We will have our teachers and students record their different teaching and studying methods for the different subject areas. We will then have each teach and a number of students talk about and discuss what they did to teach and learn the different subjects on camera. We would then post them on the site. This would prove to be a valuable tool for both students and teachers. Teachers and students could see how different subjects were taught and learned.

1 comment:

Maryanne said...

A comparison of study/learning and teaching methods might be quite eye-opening for all.
Dr. Burgos